

寻找额外的动力,或者想把你的锻炼提升到一个新的水平? 试着和私人教练一起锻炼! Certified personal trainers are dedicated to helping individuals reach their health and fitness goals and make a regular exercise program a part of their daily life. Trainers can help design a plan that is right for everyone and can teach in safe and effective ways to exercise for improved overall fitness. Trainers will closely monitor your progress and along the way will provide the knowledge and tools to be comfortable and confident in any fitness setting.

培训可用于个人,伙伴和小团体. 参观 Rec井入口 选择正确的包和视图定价. 有学生会员和非学生会员的价格.

请发电子邮件请求培训师 (电子邮件保护).


Work one-on-one with a certified personal trainer can make all the difference in your ability to reach your exercise goals. 问责, motivation and education that a personal trainer will provide is a valuable tool in improving your overall health and wellness. 套餐必须在至少3个时段内购买. 学生 who are not enrolled in summer classes during summer semester will be charged non-student fees.




Grab a friend and work out together while a personal trainer leads you in exercises and helps to ensure perfect form and technique. 你可以以折扣价获得训练伙伴和私人教练的好处. 如果在会话期间缺少一个伙伴,则会话仍被计算在内.




Designed for individuals who would like to hire a personal trainer but cannot afford the cost of individual sessions. 团体个人训练每周两次,持续五周. 最少4名参加者必须登记,以保证会议顺利进行. 感兴趣的各方必须创建自己的小组.




  • 电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 申请培训师并收到个人培训注册包.
  • The completed personal training registration packet and payment must be received before you will be scheduled with a certified personal trainer. The information provided by you will help your personal trainer develop a program specifically for you; therefore, it is important that you answer all questions honestly and your information will be kept confidential.
  • 填妥的注册资料包可按以下方式退回 电子邮件 ((电子邮件保护))或在 欢迎中心.
  • 收到这些材料后, a member of our staff will contact you via 电子邮件 and/or phone within 72 hours to schedule your initial appointment.
  • 以下表格必须在课程开始前签署并提交:
    • 个人训练报名表格
    • 健康史问卷
    • 医生许可表格(如适用)
      • NOTE: If you marked two or more of the statements in the CV Factors section on the 健康史问卷, 您需要让您的医生填写并传真医师声明 & 清关表交到我们办公室,收信人:Hailey 《韦德体育app官网》,电话:(248)370-4889.
      • We MUST receive this form from the doctor’s office prior to scheduling your assessment/training sessions.
  • 购买的初始包包括一个 健康评估.
    • All paperwork and testing must be completed prior to the start of the first training session.
    • 任何后续健身评估对学生来说都是10美元,对非学生会员来说是15美元.
  • 如果有必要,客户将根据可用性和任何偏好分配给培训师.
    • 私人教练和客户将同意完成所购买的课程.
    • 会议将在双方方便和商定的时间安排.


Oakland 大学康乐及福利 charges a fee for services rendered by personal trainers. 所有的服务都可以在欢迎中心全年的任何时间购买. 付款必须在您被安排参加评估和/或会议之前收到. Paying a personal trainer directly is strictly prohibited and membership privileges may be revoked if this occurs. 个人培训套餐仅供康体中心会员使用.

过期 & 退款政策:

所有购买的培训包和课程自购买之日起一年内失效. 在此时间之后,个人培训课程无效. All personal training packages are non-refundable and non-transferable except in cases of: termination of university employment; formal leave of absence and sabbaticals (documentation is required); changes in medical condition resulting in physical limitations (physician letter required).


  • Session Time/Late Policy: All sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes and will end one hour from the scheduled start time. 不打电话,不到场的预约将在整个疗程中收费. Personal Trainers will allow a 15-minute grace period for late arrival to a scheduled session. The personal trainer will only wait 15 minutes past the scheduled meeting time unless the participant has alerted the trainer of the expected tardiness. The trainer may or may not be able to extend the training session to make up the 15 minutes.
  • 取消政策:如果您必须取消或重新安排培训课程, please notify your personal trainer by phone/电子邮件 at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled start time. 在最后一分钟取消预约将发出一次警告. Subsequent personal training sessions that are not rescheduled or cancelled at least 24 hours in advance by the client will result in forfeiture of the session. 紧急情况将根据个人情况进行分析.
  • Buddy/Group Training Cancellation Policy: If one client cancels within 24 hours of a scheduled group session or is a no-call/no-show, 会话可以与剩余的客户继续。. 该会话仍将计入每个客户端的包余额.
  • 续订包:在包完成之后, 只要你的教练同意, 新的套餐可以在欢迎中心购买,也可以通过网络购买 Rec井入口.

准备你的体能评估 & 培训课程:

  • 请穿运动服. 由于大腿上的身体成分测量,短裤是首选.
  • Drink plenty of fluids over the 24-hour period preceding the test to ensure normal hydration and avoid heavy meals, 烟草, 酒精, 在测试前至少喝3个小时的咖啡因. 你可以在测试前30分钟到1小时吃一点零食
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or physical activity the day of and get an adequate amount of sleep (6-8 hours) the night before the test


  • 你必须遵守娱乐中心的所有规定. 这包括所有关于正确着装要求和设备使用的政策.
  • An active membership is required to access the 娱乐中心 and you must have your ID or key fob. You must complete all sessions before your membership ends or you will have to purchase a membership to complete training.
  • If at any time the client and/or personal trainer are not satisfied with the services and/or relationship a new trainer, 请联系(248)370-4911.

健身 assessments are a great way to gather data about personal fitness levels and to aid in setting realistic fitness and health goals. 可以根据评估结果设计个性化的锻炼计划.

评估包括健康风险评估、身体成分和健康测试. 所有参与者在评估结束时都会收到一份打印的报告和结果. 参观 Rec井入口 注册健身评估并查看价格.


  • 健康风险评估
    • Your fitness assessment begins by completing a questionnaire about your overall health and wellness.
  • 身体成分 & 体能测试
    • 完成健康风险评估后, you will go through a series of tests to determine your overall physical health including:
      • 重量, 高度, 身体周长, 静息血压和心率, 3点皮肤褶皱试验, 肱二头肌等长弯曲, 伸(灵活性), 心血管耐力, 肌肉力量测试. 体能测试大约需要30-45分钟完成.
    • 参加者将在会议结束时收到一份印有结果的报告.
  • 为体能评估做准备: 
    • 请穿运动服. 由于大腿上的身体成分测量,短裤是首选. Drink plenty of fluids over the 24-hour period preceding the test to ensure normal hydration prior to testing Avoid heavy meals, 烟草, 酒精, 在测试前至少喝3个小时的咖啡因. 你可以在测试前30分钟到1小时吃一点零食 Avoid strenuous exercise or physical activity the day of the test Get an adequate amount of sleep (6-8 hours) the night before the test
  • 成本:
    • 学生:25美元
    • 非学生成员:30美元
    • *未致电或未到场的预约将收取15美元的取消费.
  • 约会的时间
    • 预约是根据可用性进行的.
    • 预约电话:(248)370-4911或电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).


(248) 370-4rec (4732)